Spin: Nottingham Marching Unit 2018-2019
By Aamina Arain
The 2018 marching season was definitely one to remember. It began with a productive two week long band camp with creatively themed days, like ‘Merica Monday and Tie Dye Tuesday. This year's field show was titled Spin by Gary Gilroy, Murray Gusseck, and Nate Bourg. It was one of the band’s more challenging shows, but they were up for the task. Of course the band would fall apart without its directors, but this year they also had assistance from three incredible drum majors. In total, the band accumulated thousands of hours in practice. This does not include separate practices done on the members own time. Overall the Nottingham Marching Unit had an amazing season, but they really knocked it out of the park with the record breaking score of 86.775. The previous record was set five years ago, and they have come a long way since then. The band also entertained the crowd at multiple football games and pep rallies. All of the hard work the marching unit put into their show this season really paid off, and next years show will be highly anticipated.